Friday, April 30, 2010

May poll of the month: on OSSIM improvements.

I must say I really like this blogspot thing, nifty add-ons for the blog. I found a "polling one" and intend to run a poll each month and post the results and impressions on a summarized post.

This month's poll is about OSSIM improvements: where do you think the most improvement is required?
Thanks for any feedback on this, if you specify "Other" please comment on this post about what you meant.


Anonymous said...

expand policy filters so you create polices that inspect the data portion of events. Good example is Ossec which generates a lot of false positives. You can't filter them out because policy can only see to the PID level and the information needed to exclude selected events is in the data portion.

paul_psmith said...

policy filters on src port. And I agree with urapain about policy filters for data portion of events.

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